Monday, May 21, 2007

Festivals and Baseball Books

I had to go to a couple local festivals this weekend for my job. The festival I worked on Friday was a large country music festival. It was rather boring. I am not really a fan, and while I wish I could stop stereotyping people, when the stereotype is proven over and over, it's hard not to. I won't go into detail about said stereotypes, but let's just say that the highlight on Saturday was when a penis poked through the back of our tent and someone peed all over an employee. Ok, it was a highlight for me, not so much for the cashier.

Saturday afternoon I had to go to the small local festival and take pictures of our booth and make sure set-up was done properly. Of course, it was not. In fact, when I show one of my co-workers the pictures of the coffee table next to our booth I believe she may have a stroke. She is really a stickler for our "branding."

The highlight at this festival was getting to meet Tom Stanton. He was promoting his latest book "Ty and the Babe." I haven't read this book, but I absolutely loved his book "The Last Season." My favorite Mets fan Eric recommended this book to me last year. He is an avid baseball fan and loves to read books about baseball. He claimed that it was the best baseball book he'd ever read. I haven't read a whole lot of baseball books, but I can tell you that this book was fantastic. If you are a dad, or a son, or even just like baseball, you would enjoy this book. I gave this book to my father for Christmas and he told me that he actually cried during parts of it.

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